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Altima Dental Centre at First Canadian Place

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But don’t leave just yet. We’d love to hear from you. Please contact us using the following:

Phone: (416) 368-7226


Or visit us at:
First Canadian Place-Concourse Level, 100 King Street West
Toronto ON
Canada M5X 2A1


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Why Choose Us?

Find out why more people are choosing us for their dental care.

Extended Hours

A great selling point for why the person of interest should choose the clinic

Advanced Technology

A great selling point for why the person of interest should choose the clinic

Convenient Location

A great selling point for why the person of interest should choose the clinic

Professional Expertise

A great selling point for why the person of interest should choose the clinic

Dr Name From Clinic

Dr Name From Clinic

General Dentist

a short highlighted version of the Doctors bio. If they are specialized in anything relevant to the landing page topic, mention it here. if they have been practicing for 20+ years, mention that too.

Google Reviews

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Can We Help You Find What You’re Looking For?

If you don’t see what you came here for, we want to help. Call us today at (416) 368-7226 for our assistance.